Verifying Action Plan Effectiveness

If the Perform Effectiveness Review policy is set to Yes in the Verify Audit Completion window, then once the audit is closed, the verifier assignee receives email notification .

NOTE: The Verify Action Plan Effectiveness task is only routed if there is an action plan for the finding. If there is no action plan for the finding, then no task will be routed even if Yes is selected in the Verify Audit Completion window. Click the View Task Status button in the menu bar of the audit to view the current progress of the audit.

  1. From Audit Workspace - All Tasks > Audit - All Open Tasks on the Portal Page, click the Verify Action Plan Effectiveness link for the appropriate record.
    Result: The Verify Action Plan Effectiveness window is displayed.
  1. Review the Review Plan Description.
  2. Specify whether or not a follow-up review is required.
  3. If Yes is selected then an Effectiveness Review Due Date must also be entered and the verify Action Plan Effectiveness task is re-routed.
  4. If No is selected, then specify whether or not the action plan is effective. If No is selected in the Is Action Plan Effective field, then an Effectiveness Review Result must be selected. If No Action is selected as the result, then proceed to step 4. If Create New CAPA is selected as the result, then complete the CAPA Against, Process, Site, and CAPA Owner Role fields. A Verify CAPA Initiation task is routed when the Verifying Action Plan Effectiveness task is signed off, if Create New CAPA was selected.
  5. Enter a comment.
  6. Click the Sign-off button.
    Result: The Sign-off window is displayed.
  7. Enter your user ID and password and then click the Sign-off button.
    Result: The Result window is displayed. The Result window is a window that displays after verification and asks the user where they would like to go next, such as to the Audit Detail, Response Detail, or back to the Portal Page.

See Also

Creating an Adhoc Audit

Creating a Planned Audit

Preparing an Audit

Performing an Audit

Managing an External CAPA

Verifying Audit Completion

Following Up on an Audit

Generating an Audit Summary Report

Audit Other Actions



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM